Product Quest Podcast
The Product Quest Podcast follows Jonathan Edwards, Scott Burleson and Yann Wermuth on their quest to the land of product excellence. Along with their guests, they bring together topics, tools and cutting-edge approaches that help companies develop products that customers will buy and love.
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
If you’ve heard or used the term mental models, that’s because of her work and the book she wrote with that title “Mental Models”. Indeed she pioneered opportunity maps, mental model diagrams, and thinking styles. Indi is a writer, researcher, and coach for inclusive product strategy. Beyond Mental models she’s published Practical Empathy and she is very close to publishing her next book “Time to listen”. You can find all of that and more on her website
Referenced on the show:
Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil
Time to Listen, Indi Young
Practical Empathy, Indi Young
Mental Models, Indi Young
Against Empathy, Paul Bloom
Mentioned after recording ended:
Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact, Ludwig fleck
Ministry for the Future, Kim Stanley Robinson
Tell me a Story, Roger Schank
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Today, we welcome our special guests, Ronan Healy and Jane Hession. This husband and wife team are the founders of the “How Might We” design studio. Their mission? To help to be more creative, to solve problems, can I use the phrase, “to innovate” by using something inside that many of us have lost touch with… the power of play.
A self-described “researcher at heart,” Jane has worked with entrepreneurs, corporations and even the Irish government. She has a PhD in Entrepreneurship Management and is author of “Women in the Modern Workplace.”
Ronan is a true student of innovation, with experience in agile methods, design thinking, systems thinking, and something that we like here, Jobs-to-be-Done. He’s a highly experienced facilitator, advisor, consultant and teacher.
Referenced on the show:
Play, Stewart Brown
Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations, Ralph Stacey
Complexity, Chris Mowles
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
In this episode, we welcome a most special guest, Dr. Lance Bettencourt. Without question, Lance is on the Mount Rushmore of JTBD contributors. He’s currently a professor of marketing at TCU. He’s the author of “Service Innovation”, and well-published - including MIT Sloan Management Review and Harvard Business Review. Most notably, along with Tony Ulwick, he authored “The Customer-Centered Innovation Map” in HBR one of the most important JTBD publications, and it has the distinction of the single resource that I recommend more than any other.
Lance is an appreciator of ice cream, has been known to do crazy things like hike down and back the Grand Canyon, and is an all-around great person. You're in for a treat!
Referenced on the show:
The Customer-Centered Innovation Map, Lance Bettencourt & Tony Ulwick
Service Innovation, Lance Bettencourt
Consumer Job Journeys, Lance Bettencourt
What Customers Want, Anthony Ulwick
A Service Lens On Value Creation, L. A. Bettencourt & R. F. Lush & S. L. Vargo
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
In this episode we take a deep dive with special guest Ruth Hartt into Jobs-to-be-done and how she applies it in the arts.
Ruth regularly blogs at , be sure to follow her on Twitter @ruth_hartt or find her on LinkedIn for constant insights and surprises for JTBD marketing in the artworld.
Referenced on the show:
Innovator’s Solution, Clayton Christensen
Competing Against Luck, Clayton Christensen
Demand-Side Sales, Bob Moesta
Art of Relevance, Nina Simon
Nina Simon Art of Relevance Ted Talk
Marketing Rebellion, Mark Schaefer
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
In this inaugural episode Scott, Jonathan and Yann go deeply into the Jobs-to-be-done philosophy exploring what Jobs-to-be-done is, why it is so powerful and share valuable insights from real Jobs-to-be-done practice.
Referenced on the show:
The Statue in the Stone, Scott Burleson
What Customers Want, Anthony Ulwick
Innovator’s Dilemma, Clayton Christensen
Innovator’s Solution, Clayton Christensen
This Podcast is produced by the trio that consists of Scott Burleson, Jonathan Edwards and Yann Wermuth. The three share a passion for the Jobs-to-be-done philosophy, innovation and continuously improving.
Ideas, suggestions? Then write us at